Friday, May 28, 2010

2nd Block Final Project

Turn in your project by either creating a "NAME/URL" comment below or by placing it in our folder on the "G-Drive".

CAPP Campaign Ad

Turn in your final project by creating a "NAME/URL" Comment. Please be sure to only include your first name and last initial.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

CAPP Technology Project

Political Influences Technology Project
Campaign Ad

"Television is no gimmick, and nobody will ever be elected to major office again without presenting themselves well on it."
-Television producer and Nixon campaign consultant Roger Ailes, 1968

In the 21st century is has become impossible for a presidential candidate to conduct a successful campaign without the infusion of political ads. Political ads are very similar to product ads. They both strive to do two things: Inform the public about their product and convince the public that their produc is the best product available.

For this technology project you must create a 30 second to 1 minute campaign ad. You will create your ad using a multimedia program of your choice. Your ad will not only be viewed by the entire class but by the entire world, as it will be uploaded to youtube. Because the world will be viewing your ad please use common safety procedures discussed in class.


All good ads have one of two goals:
  1. Provide the audience with information on the candidate(s)
  2. Convince the audience that your candidate is the best choice

Cub Scout Cave Trip

Ledge View Nature Center
W2348 Short Road
, WI


-WHO: All Cub Scouts and family members (Cost is $5 per person)
-WHAT: Cave Exploration!

-WHEN: Saturday May 22nd at 9:00
-WHERE: Ledge View Nature Center, Chilton


-Take HWY N south to HWY 55/114
-Take HWY 114 east to Hilbert
-At Hilbert, take HWY 57/32 south
-Take HWY 32 south to Chilton
-Take HWY G/Madison Street south out of Chilton
-About a mile and a half out of Chilton, take a left on Short Road.

*Bring A Flashlight, Warm Clothing & Be Prepared To Get Dirty*

Friday, May 14, 2010

Glogster Homeless

Create a Name/URL comment to link your glog.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Movie Trailer - 2nd Block

Create a "URL / Name" comment to turn in your World War 2 Movie Trailer.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

CAPP Website

Turn In Your Website Here By Creating A "URL/Name" Comment

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hula Hoop Contest

A Quick Video Highlighting Our Hula Hoop Contest.