Ledge View Nature Center
W2348 Short Road
Chilton, WI
DETAILS-WHO: All Cub Scouts and family members (Cost is $5 per person)
-WHAT: Cave Exploration!

-WHEN: Saturday May 22nd at 9:00
-WHERE: Ledge View Nature Center, Chilton
-Take HWY N south to HWY 55/114
-Take HWY 114 east to Hilbert
-At Hilbert, take HWY 57/32 south
-Take HWY 32 south to Chilton
-Take HWY G/Madison Street south out of Chilton
-About a mile and a half out of Chilton, take a left on Short Road.
*Bring A Flashlight, Warm Clothing & Be Prepared To Get Dirty*