Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Freedom Writers


  1. I learned today that no matter what there's always some that cares about me

  2. I think that the speech was about accepting people for who they are and not judging people by there religion or the color of their skin. If everybody accepts people for who they are the world would be a better place.

  3. I though it was a very good speech even though it was short. I think the standing/sitting game thing spoke a lot. It was amazing to see that your not the only one going through the things that you do. Actions speek louder then words.

  4. I think the message through Scotts presentation was that we all go through some really big struggles. And we need each other to get through them. Butif none of us are willing to except each others problems then how are we supposed to solve them? I think his goal was to help us really reach inside and help each other and realize some people go through the same things as us. It was very emotional but I think we all needed it to realize we are NOT alone. Problems suck but together we can get throug them...I believe that was his message.

  5. I learned today that each rude comment that is said to someone could be the one that causes them to give up on life and try suicide, so just think about how you would like that comment being said about you.

  6. I learned that everyone around you can have a different background and no matter how the act they can have other emotions their afraid to show

  7. I thought the speaker was very cool cause he really involved us in his presentation instead of just having us sit there and listen to him because teenagers trail off really easily these days. But he kept us interested the whole time and actually got emotion out of us because a lot of people cried. It really showed me that no matter how horrible your life is and even though your a lot different than another person there's most likely another person some where in this world that has almost the exact same problem.

  8. I learned from the speaker today that no matter what someone cares about you and that what ever you are going through you are not alone and that there are ways to get help and there will be people there to help you. I also think that in his speech he said that there will be pain and troubles but you have to get over it and fight for a better life and that no matter what you background and no matter what you have been through you can succeed and build a life for yourself and others.

  9. I learned that there are more people than I thought who are unhappy with there life or feel alone and that know one cares about them.

  10. I thought Mr Scott was pretty inspirational. I think his message was not to give up when you think no one cares about you and to instead "start your own journey"

  11. I learned today that if he made it through and had it worse than I do then I can make through too. I also thought his speach was saying that you are not alone and that there are other people like you out in the world.

  12. I thought the things he said are important because there are lots of things that a lot of other people are having problems with. I saw that other people in my school that are having the same problems.

  13. Well I thought his message Was if your life is hard never give up and do what u believe is right. I also think his message was about even if your rich or poor you can have struggles and if your parents and other family is locked up or addicted to drugs stay strong in life.

  14. I think that the speech that he gave was really inspiring and moving. A lot of the stuff he talked about I could really connect to because some of the stuff that happened to him also happened to me. And when he made everyone stand up, I thought with certain things I was going to be the only one standing but when I stood up I was surprised how many other people stood up with me. And it took a lot of preside off my shoulder knowing that I wasn't the only one.

  15. I think that it was really interesting to hear what he had to say because it brought back memories of when me and my brother did get along but we don't really get along very much anymore because of a thing that happened about a year and couple of months ago. And also I thought that he really touched a lot of people in the auditorium. Plus in was really sad after because at sometimes I think that my brother doesn't really love me at times.

  16. I learned today that even though you think that your the only one with your problem there are millions that have the same thing that you are going through.

  17. I thought the speaker was cool he got me to really think about things in a different perspective. I realized that I wasn't the only person who had certain thing happen to me so when we looked around nobody was alone. He kept my attention and he brought up emotions that I haven't faced in awhile or wanted to because I thought I was by myself. I saw others cry about stuff which made me want to cry because it's hard to keep all those emotions trapped but you don't want to be embarrassed. If he can make it through all that he's been through then so can other

  18. I thought it was a very good speech. It was very emotional and interesting. I liked that he was able to let us share what's going on in our life without getting personal or giving away to many specific details.

  19. Any body and everybody has a chance to be successful in anything, let the affects of earlier actions change the affects of future actions and learn from others mistakes


  20. I thought Emanuel Scott influenced a lot of people with the same problems he had growing up as a child. I how ever did not have any of the problems he did growing up. So I was not affected as much as people who actually had his problems in their childhood.

  21. I thought that the speaker was very very good. He told us that there is always someone that loves/cares about us and he told us that we can change our lives right now and no matter how bad your lives are you can always dream and make your deems come true and this all happend after he did drugs, almost killed himself, and got abused. He also said if he can make it through it we can too.
