Tuesday, December 11, 2012

That Aint Right - Project Choice

Submit your topic idea by creating a "Name/URL" Comment to this post.  

To do that:

  1. Click on "Comments" found below this post
  2. Selection "Anonymous" from the drop-down box
  3. Write a SHORT summary of your story in the white box that says "Enter your comment..."
  4. Be sure to include your name and a link to a website about your story.


  1. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-57557413-504083/official-oppression-kindergarten-teacher-charged-with-letting-kids-hit-6-year-old-bully/

    Brooke Kemnitz

    A story about a teacher letting her students 'beat up' a class bully.

  2. Shania G. http://www.nytimes.com/1994/03/16/us/principal-causes-furor-on-mixed-race-couples.html

  3. Ashley Cook

  4. http://www.aclu.org/reproductive-freedom/abortion

    Brooke Kemnitz

  5. Corey Bishop- http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/virtual-child-pornography

    This story teaches us how sick society is and how low the bar has been lowered and the most rediculous things that can be gotten away with. To sumarize the article, pedophiles are fighting for their right to produce "virtual" child pornography in court. They know it is illegal to produce actual children having sex, but is it ok to produce fake images or similar images of real children having sex on the internet? There have been some court cases that say it is fine as long as the images are not based off of actual children, and indeed virtual. While other judges and jurys are saying that either way, it should be illegal. But the fact is, it's wrong and sick. But this is where the freedom of speech thing comes into play. There needs to be a way where sick material like this, doesn't make it on the internet for people to see. These adults, this sick pedophiles, need to be stopped. If making films like this ok, sooner or later children being molested and raped will be left without consequences. So is it legal? Somewhat. Should it be? No. Something needs to be fixed

  6. A women is upset and sues a videogame company.

  7. jacob c
    http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/13/world/europe/uk-prank-nurse-death/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 some one hung them slef from a prank call

  8. Michael D


  9. detention is the topic it is about the united states holding people with out trial or charge.

  10. abortion and the rights of it being aloud to kill yoiur baby and when its okay and not okay

  11. my topic is about something that a ton of people complain about

  12. A woman unveiled the true identity of a police officer that was involved in her friend's drug bust on facebook. Where her name is shown. Her full name. Not a username. Her real birth name.


  13. Allison,
    Shootings at schools.

  14. My topic, is about War in afgahnistan. Critics are wondering if 11 years 2 months and 6 days of war is helping peace or will it be prevailed. 242 billion dollars have been spent killing millions of people.Yes we succeeded capturing osama and other foreign powers but,due to the stakes being so high, is it over?http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2012/12/13/exp-erin-separated-by-war-berndt-family-shares-their-story.cnn
